Are you at a haunted location, or are you aware of one with a high level of recent paranormal activity? Do you have a location that requires a paranormal investigation ? I am currently in, Orlando, Florida, USA, but I am willing to travel throughout the US.
At your request I will conduct a professional objective paranormal investigation. There is no charge for this service. I will never reveal the exact location or names of people involved unless given express permission. I employ a combination of high tech equipment, research, and most importantly knowledge and experience. I conducted my first paranormal investigation in 1976. However unlike the mainstream paranormal community I do not base my techniques on those popularized by paranormal reality T.V.
I do not attempt to prove or disprove a haunting, but to collect and assess information and provide an explanation based not on belief but on evidence and applying critical thinking to my paranormal research.
I would rather find no evidence then provide you with false or unsubstantiated information.
Please e mail me at so we can discuss matters further. I will respond within 24 hours. I can travel throughout Florida, USA or further afield to conduct a paranormal investigation.
Tony Hart-Wilden
In order for paranormal investigation to be legitimized by the mainstream scientific community then they need to be involved in it. This will only occur if things change and people distance themselves from the reality T.V inspired type of investigation that is currently so popular. This has been damaging to the field and has failed to attract actual scientists to study the paranormal as they are concerned about their credibility.
The four basic rules of paranormal investigation
1) Unexplained just means unexplained, it doesn’t mean dead-person unless you have PROOF that the two are linked
2) It’s not sufficient just to present evidence without validation, you must be able to explain WHY your claim is legitimate
3) It’s better to have no evidence then false evidence or “evidence through ignorance”
4) ALL evidence must be considered, not just that which will meet any predetermined hypothesis you may have formed
Primary objective
To use scientific methodology to provide credible evidence of a haunting, specifically that of a conscious entity that has survived physical death
Additional objective
To dispel the myths, misinformation and erroneous evidence pertaining to the investigation of haunting’s and the paranormal
These include
Unjustifiable claims resulting from the use of electronic monitoring equipment
False photographic anomalies
False E.V.Ps
Unverified Psychic claims
Separation of spiritual investigation from scientific based paranormal research
To assist through education
No legitimate paranormal investigator will claim to be able to remove spirits should evidence of one be found. Assistance is only provided in the form of helping to validate and understand your experience and to educate as to the true nature of paranormal phenomena and hauntings
8 step investigative process
Establish a reason to instigate an investigation
What is the nature of the occurrence?
What is its frequency?
What do the witnesses believe it is?
Did they have a interest in the paranormal before the incident occurred?
Are they aware if the previous occupants of the location experienced the same occurrences?
Do they watch television shows about the paranormal?
Are they aware of the history of the property?
Is there any physical proof?
What does the client expect as a result of the investigation?
Does the client have an ulterior motive for wanting a location to be haunted such as a financial incentive if it is a commercial property?
2) Research location
Research the property based on the information already provided
Verify this information through independent means and expand on it
Research immediate vicinity of location and determine if there is any historical, geographical or geological relevance
Determine if they are any myths, or legends associated with the location or its vicinity and if they have any factual basis
3) Physical investigation
Interview witnesses
Determine locations of maximum activity
Identify and record potential physical causes for paranormal phenomena or hauntings
Attempt to recreate evidence that has been reported as paranormal prior to investigation.
Record general physical conditions for future evidence assessment
Take base line readings with electronic monitoring devices to establish conditions prior to commencement of investigation
Take base line photographs to establish conditions prior to commencement of investigation
Secure location against physical contamination
Set up audio, video and monitoring equipment
Attempt to recreate potential evidence that was identified during investigation
Take base line photographs to establish conditions at termination of investigation
4) Undertake further research based on information provided
Undertake additional research, based on client interview or any additional information obtained during investigation
5) Assess evidence
Determine legitimacy of witness statements by cross checking with known facts, and any independently obtained information provided by other witnesses
Assess evidence collected during physical investigation to determine its legitimacy and weather further investigation is required
Determine legitimacy of any photographic or audio evidence obtained during investigation
Attempt to recreate evidence through explainable means
Assess how comparable conditions of recreation are to original conditions. Unless identical this may preclude legitimacy of recreation
Determine if recreation discredits the evidence
6) Present client with information
Present client with results of investigation
Provide client with overview of how evidence was assessed
If necessary attempt to further recreate evidence in original environment
7) Document for peer review
If approved by client make evidence from investigation available for peer review
If as a result of peer review validity of evidence is compromised, update client with outcome
8) Establish ongoing contact with client
Follow up with client periodically to determine if further investigation is warranted
Definition of a haunting in this context
A haunting refers to evidence of conscious entity that has survived physical death, commonly referred to as an apparition.
Definition of Paranormal in this context
The paranormal refers to unexplained phenomena currently beyond the understanding of conventional science. Specific paranormal phenomena could be considered a haunting when a definitive link has been established between the two.
A hypothesis of a haunting – Asking a question
1) Do ghosts exist ?
2) If ghosts exist are they physical manifestations or mental projections ?
3) Are there specific physical conditions that cause ghosts to manifest ?
4) Are there specific psychological conditions that cause ghosts to manifest ?
5) Why is it that not every location where people died is haunted ?
6) Why do some ghosts appear to interact with us, and others don’t ?
7) Why do some ghosts appear to be performing the same tasks at the same locations not others ?
8) Why can some ghosts appear on photographs although they were not visible to the naked eye ?
9) Why are there no ghost’s of caveman, do all ghosts eventually disappear ?
10) Are ghosts always present but we can only see them at certain times ?
11) Why is it that someone can see a ghost at the same time and location that someone else can’t ?
12) Why do ghosts appear to be attached to objects and physical locations ?
13) Do ghosts exist in our universe, or in a parallel one that we occasionally glimpse ?
14) What value does the equipment used in paranormal investigation have ?
15) Are ghosts evidence of survival after death ?
16) Do ghosts exist in the same time or physical space that we do ?
17) How can inanimate objects such as cars or houses appear as “ghosts” ?
18) How is it possible that ghosts of living people have been reported ?
19) How much does the physiology of an individual determine their ability to see ghosts ?
20) How can ghosts move objects ?
21) Do ghosts age over the years ?
22) Why do ghosts sometimes appear to be a different age to the age when they died ?
23) Does the manifestation of a ghost cause a change in environmental conditions ?
24) If someone dies violently does that make them more likely to appear as a ghost ?
25) Can I prove there is a link between any unexplained phenomena I encounter to a “spirit” ?
26) When a ghost is photographed why does the image normally in black & white ?
The paranormal doesn’t automatically have any connection to a haunting or survival after to death. An incident that is considered paranormal may have relevance to physics, astronomy or biology and may just be a natural process that is as yet unexplained by one of theses sciences. In order for paranormal phenomena to be classified as a haunting a definitive link must be established between the two.
My hypothesis of ghosts
Note: I am not claiming the majority of the following has any scientific basis, it is just a hypothetical narrative created in order to offer a possible explanation of what are commonly referred to as ghosts.
I believe that ghosts may all be in the mind, which does not mean they don’t exist, because it’s the mind that defines our very existence, even while we are alive.
First, we have to recognize that nothing including ourselves is solid. Human beings are composed of trillions of vibrating atoms with space in between. Doors, wall’s and other objects are of a similar structure. Secondly our consciousness is what dictates our entire reality and therefore our existence. If our consciousness continues after the vessel that contains it expires, then so do we. And perhaps rather then being the end, death is actually when some ability’s finally become fully developed, ones that were previously dormant and limited to only a select few while we are alive. These abilities may include telepathy and telekinesis, and without our consciousness having to support the function and limitations of a physical body, then perhaps these attributes are both more prominent and universal then they were in life.
One of the scenarios is, that ghosts (if they exist) are psychic projections formed from a consciousness that has survived death and that under certain conditions can be received by the living. If humans survive death and are telepathic, (the ability to psychically project thoughts and images), then this could explain why some people can see ghosts at specific times, and others can’t, even if they are in the same physical location. This could be because they are not seeing what is there but just receiving what is being transmitted. Not everyone’s abilities to receive such projections may be equal while they are alive, and alternatively the entity transmitting them may be selective on who or what they transmit to. Telepathy could also explain how ghosts can be photographed and not be seen, and be seen but not photographed. Maybe these are images specifically projected into someones mind or imprinted onto the digital film of a camera. And if people are telekinetic after death (the ability to move physical items) then this would explain why ghosts could move objects or manipulate physical reality.
In addition to spirits of people and animals there have also been claimed sightings of ghost-cars and ships which have never been living entities, so this would indicate they are not physically there but they could be images formed by the consciousness of the deceased and then projected into the minds of others. And if these entities can manifest images of objects as well as themselves perhaps they can create entire environment’s including those from the past as well as the present day. This would explain how people have experienced what they believe to be time-slips. And if ghosts are just psychic projections and not composed of actual mass or density like they did while they are alive, then this would also address the issue of them having to occupy an infinite amount of physical space in order to exist.
I don’t believe there is any evidence to support the “Stone Tape Theory” or that some ghosts are residual and some are not. I believe ghosts are always there, and that just as we don’t always see ghosts, they don’t always see, and therefore interact with us. And like in life, in death some of the tasks they perform are just repetitious which doesn’t mean that they are on some sort of time-loop. While Consciousness does function in part due to the electrical energy the body generates it is not A.C electrical energy so I also don’t believe that ghosts drain batteries in order to manifest. However this is not to say that they may not have an effect on electrical equipment. Consciousness is still something that science does not have a full understanding of, yet it’s what determines our entire perception of reality and what reality actually is.
Overview of equipment and techniques to be used during an investigation
Please do not expect an investigation carried out by me to be the same as one you may have seen on T.V, or to be similar to those conducted by other investigators that have merely emulated what they have watched on a paranormal reality show.
Primarily the equipment to be used will be multiple video cameras focused on the SAME location from different vantage points. They will also cover any potential entrance points or hiding places that if utilized could enable someone to fake a paranormal occurrence.
In addition I will use multiple digital recorders also covering the SAME location. The digital recorders will be isolated from external noise using a Faraday cage or similar.
When attempting to get an audio response of an entity, steps will be taken to eliminate generalizations to a request. Specifically a question will be asked to which there is only ONE answer and therefore the response is not open to interpretation.
I will also use a high-end S.L.R camera for still photographs as well as equipment to monitor the environment including digital thermometers, motion detectors, and both A.C, and D.C, E.M.F meters. However I will never claim an E.M.F meter is capable of detecting ghosts. This is a false claim propagated by reality T.V shows. I will also never use a K2 Meter, Ghost Box, Ovilus, Mel Meter or any variations for this same reason. No legitimate paranormal investigator will present evidence of contact with paranormal entity’s based on the results of these devices.
When taking still photographs, for reference purposes I will take 2 or more pictures of the same locations several seconds apart. Where practical I also will take photographs of the same location under different light conditions and times.
Before the investigation commences I will video the entire premises to document the location and position of any objects, including the status of any doors, and windows.
A primary focus of the investigation will be to eliminate the possibility of natural or human intervention being attributed to being something paranormal.
I will never use a psychic or sensitive to attempt to provide proof of the paranormal they are incompatible with any claim to use scientific investigation techniques.
When using trigger objects, they will be protected from non-paranormal influences by being placed beneath a protective transparent cover and filmed from multiple sources.
In regard to the time and light condition’s that the investigation takes place, this will depend entirely upon the conditions that the majority of the phenomena takes place under. It will not automatically take place in the dark or with the lights off. There is no scientific justification for this.
If in the event any evidence of paranormal phenomena is obtained it will be made available for “blind peer-review”, I will not rely solely on my own interpretation to decide what it is.
Credible evidence
The single most credible evidence in paranormal field research apart from a reproducible lab experiment is video footage from multiple cameras that capture the same image. It is a common misconception that being able to recreate a photograph or video invalidates it.
Recreation is not photo analysis. Just as a crime scene investigator wouldn’t dismiss evidence on the basis of being able to recreate it neither should anyone involved in paranormal research.
Being able to determine the validity of a photograph or video is a specialized process. I have many years experience both in photography and video, but in the event of an exceptional piece of evidence such as the recording of a full apparition I would pass such evidence on to a professional analyst.
It is always preferable to get multiple forms of evidence that validate each other, but many forms of evidence have no significance on a standalone basis. Photographic evidence is a format that does.
The second most credible piece of evidence could potentially be that of an audio recording, but this is only under a very, very specific conditions. And that would be that the recording could be verified to be that of a dead person.
There are other forms of research into the survival of consciousness after physical death. These include near death experience and the controlled use of psychics. In most circumstances these are not practical avenues that can be pursued in field research.
Scientific method in the context of paranormal Investigation
1) Define the Question
To provide evidence of a of conscious entity that has survived physical death
2) Gather information
Research possible explanations for the cause, origin and true nature of a haunting or paranormal occurrence.
3) Form a Hypotheses
What are the expected results based on the information that has been gathered.
4) Perform experiment
Physical investigation of a location.
5) Analyze data
Examine the evidence, to see if the experiment has met the hypotheses.
6) Peer review
Allow your evidence, methodology, and theory to be reviewed by others.
7) Retest and refine
Repeat the process.
8) Establish a theory
From the evidence that has been gathered provide an answer to the question that has been posed.
Defining the source, the quest for credible evidence
The most valid evidence is that which has multiple collaborative sources. But while some forms or evidence will stand alone, there are many examples which independently have little or no validity. Evidence cannot become valid because of an association with a location or event, association is not a scientific protocol because it is not a definitive link. There is no one piece of evidence that can provide absolute proof, but the type of evidence presented can range from highly credible, to false.
The issue with any evidence in regard to the paranormal or haunting’s is defining its source. Some of the evidence that is most commonly presented is changes in temperature and fluctuations from E.M.F meters. But it is only referenced because they occurred in a haunted location. This is an association, not proof of relevance. There are numerous other possibilities for these occurrences, but because people are hunting for ghosts at somewhere supposedly haunted they chose to select that as an explanation. In addition to a haunting there are other origins that can’t be dismissed and if you can’t dismiss them you cannot have a definitive source.
A) The origin could be a psychic imprint from a living person either the client that is being investigated or the investigator themselves.
B) It could be an unexplained natural source.
C) It could be an unexplained man-made source.
If you cannot eliminate these then the evidence is purely circumstantial. The job of an investigator is not to prove a haunting and it’s not to disprove a haunting, either one injects what is referred to as the experimenter effect. This is a bias towards a predetermined outcome instead of an evaluation of the evidence resulting from the investigation process.
If your objectives are to find credible evidence of survival after death then you have to be able to eliminate the possibility of conscious or subconscious psychic intervention, by a living person. Although this in itself may be considered paranormal it can’t be considered evidence of a haunting if its source is not from someone that is known to be dead.
The possibility of psychic intervention from the living has to be considered as a possibility in all forms of evidence in regard to a haunting, including, E.V.P’s, photographs, E.M.F readings, and the movement of objects. Although this may seem improbable it is less improbable then the origins being from someone that is dead.
In the case of a reading from an E.M.F meter or a digital thermometer to have a definitive link with an apparition it would have to be beyond chance. If in a haunted location a E.M.F meter went off 49 times and on the 50th time, it went off at exactly the same time that an apparition appeared this still doesn’t prove that there is a connection between the two. It would just mean that the meter kept going off until an apparition appeared, not that it went off when an apparition appeared. These are two completely different scenarios, and they could also apply to temperature readings, and numerous other evidence presented as being proof of a haunting.
You are taking a vast leap from the source originating from the living to it originating from the dead. That is why the highest level evidence is that in which you can both narrow its origin and establish a link with your objective. Scientists don’t conclude that the ultra violet light spectrum that originates from the sun comes from there purely on the basis that the sun happened to be in the sky at the time they were doing their research. By the same token if you research a haunted house and find that someone died there you can’t you automatically assume that any unexplained phenomena is due to a dead person unless you can prove there is a connection. Geographical association is not proof.
Scale of POSSIBLE evidence
1) Interacting full apparition caught on multiple video cameras, dead person, and unknown to person filming it. Corroborating picture taken by digital camera.
2) Interacting full apparition caught on multiple video cameras, dead person, and known to person filming it. Corroborating picture taken by digital camera.
3) Interacting full apparition caught on multiple video cameras, dead person, and unknown to person filming it
4) Interacting full apparition caught on single video camera, dead person, and unknown to person filming it
5) Interacting full apparition caught on video camera, dead person, and known to person filming it
6) Interacting full apparition caught on digital film, dead person, and unknown to person filming it
7) Non interacting full apparition caught on video, dead person, unknown to person filming it
8) Non interacting full apparition caught on video, dead person, known to person filming it
9) Non interacting full apparition caught on digital film dead person, known to person filming it
10) Object being moved, in presence of apparition
11) E.V.P, with verifiable verbal incantations of a dead person, message received contains information not known to person doing the recording
12) E.V.P, with verifiable verbal incantations of a dead person, message received contains information known to person doing the recording
13) E.V.P, message received contains information not known to person doing the recording
14) E.V.P, message received that is response to a specific question
15) E.V.P, message received contains information that person doing recording did know
16) Physical object appearing and disappearing capturing on video
17) Non physical object appearing and disappearing captured on video
18) Object being moved when requested, and also recorded on video
20) Object being moved and also recorded on video
21) Physical object appearing and disappearing
22) Object being moved when requested
23) Object being moved
24) Unexplained sounds heard and also picked up on recording device
25) Unexplained sounds heard but not picked up on recording device
26) Multiple first hand witness accounts of an apparition
27) Unexplained mist seen inside location
28) Unexplained odor with link to dead person
29) Unexplained odors
30) Single first hand witness account of an apparition
31) Individuals experiencing physical manifestations such as being touched
32) Individual psychic impressions without controlled test conditions
33) Individual’s experiencing the feeling of being watched
34) Individuals experiencing physical symptoms such as nausea
35) Individuals experiencing unexplained feelings of being hot or cold
36) Unexplained mist seen outside
37) Animal reacting strangely in haunted location
38) Unexplained electrical disturbances
39) Photographic or video evidence of orbs, streaks of light, mists or other false anomalies
40) Rise or fall in temperature drop with no collaborating phenomena
41) Rise or fall in E.M.F reading with no collaborating phenomena
42) Battery drain with no collaborating phenomena
43) Claims made by self proclaimed psychics in controlled test conditions
Techniques For Paranormal Investigation – A.S.S.A.P
Ghost Teams In Your Area – Ghoststop
Find a Paranormal Investigation Team In The U.K – British Paranormal Association
Ghost Hunting Groups – Paranormal Societies
A Skeptical Look At The Unexplained – I Am Kenny Biddle
Paranormal Investigation In Hampshire And Southern England – Paranormal Adventures
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